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Did you know April is Stress Awareness Month?

Imran Miah our consultant managing the role
Author: Imran Miah

April is Stress Awareness Month and this year’s theme is community. Community is all about having a sense of belonging and connection to others around you — it’s more important than ever that we re-establish social bonds with others, and recover from the isolation and loneliness that the pandemic inflicted on many.

Josh Rufus, Manager of our Professional Services team in London, tells us how he discovered a love for running during lockdown and now runs to manage stress and look after his mental and physical wellbeing.

Josh, how did you get into running?

Growing up, I was always a competent runner, but pretty much stopped when I went to university in my 20’s. In May 2020, like many people across the UK, I went on furlough for a time. I found myself struggling mentally and physically and I thought to myself, what am I going to do about this?

I decided to attempt to run, and managed to persuade my then seven-year-old daughter to accompany me on my journey. We went on a slow jog along the river to Hammersmith Bridge and back, and it has snowballed from there. I found that running regularly has helped me drop some weight, which then gives me the excuse to eat and drink what I want!

Mentally, it helps me forget any woes that I have and forget about the rigours of a busy life. For the hour or so when I am running, I don’t think about any external problems and listen to my breathing and just run! It’s my excuse to listen to a whole album back to back, I had forgotten how much I love Oasis and U2! I’m lucky that there are lots of great running routes around Richmond Park, Wimbledon Common, and along the River Thames. I often fall asleep dreaming of the routes I will run the following day! 

A little bird told us you have some very impressive statistics on STRAVA. Care to share? 

Since May 2020, I have run around 2,500 miles, completed three marathons (with my fourth coming up next month), at least fifteen solo half-marathons, and numerous 10k races. I’ll admit I’m a little obsessed, but if you're feeling a little jaded or down, I cannot recommend running enough!

 We hear your love for running has spread to your colleagues at the Marks Sattin London office?

Yes! We’ve always been a sporty bunch in London. So I decided to capitalise on people wanting to get fit and take a healthy break, and launched the Marks Sattin Running Club. Everyone in the office is welcome to come for a run every Thursday lunchtime. We have a regular bunch now with a mixture of abilities and levels of fitness.

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Running has made such a massive impact on my life and 100% enhances my mental wellbeing. I am thrilled I can share this with my friends, family and colleagues.

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