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Employment Law Roundtable | Mental Health at Work

Hannah Spears our consultant managing the role

We hosted an Employment Law Roundtable on mental health at work at our offices in London. The participants were senior human resource practitioners from a range of businesses and sectors. The event was co-hosted by Seddons Solicitors and chaired by Helen Crossland, a Partner and Head of Employment Law at Seddons, who shared her professional expertise.

We decided to discuss this topic as the practitioners from Seddons had seen a noticeable increase in the number of mental health related cases from their clients in the last few years. We collectively believe that this increase is a positive sign of heightened awareness of mental health, representing an effort to remove the stigma and put mental health on the same platform as physical health.

The aim of this roundtable was to share insights and knowledge around dealing with physical and mental health at work. 
Specifically the conversation covered:

Statistics on mental health at work
How to manage mental health issues at work
Occupational Health referrals
The Equality Act 2010
Reasonable adjustments


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